Thursday, February 19, 2009

Perfect Timing

While teaching a Free Science Class on Sound Underwater this morning, I turned on the hydrophone so the kids could hear the sounds of Admiralty Inlet. I expected to hear the ferry and maybe a tug or cargo ship. We heard those things, but we also heard orcas! It was hard to believe that we had such amazing luck, so we wrapped up the class and headed outside to locate the orcas. Off in the distance, towards Marrowstone Island, we could see a few spouts and splashes. Even though the orcas were far off, the kids were excited to see them. And I, well, I was excited too! Seeing the kids so interested in our resident megafauna was wonderful, and reminds me of why I love sharing knowledge with others. What an inspiring experience!


  1. This good fortune couldn't have been better if you actually knew "what time the whales come by".

  2. That is just SO exciting, Liza! The kids probably had no idea how fortunate they were to have that happen in the middle of their class. When I was there yesterday taking photos, I thought how cool it would be to have a pod go by during their class--and then it happened today! wow...

  3. I agree, it is very exciting! Those kids had wonderful luck. Thanks for commenting!


  4. I caught the news on King 5 on Friday evening and they mentioned the kids listening at the PTMSC and how that alerted others to the orcas' presence. It was a very cool plug for PTMSC and the programs we offer for kids....incredible work, you guys !! -Daphne

  5. Hi Daphne,

    That is great that we were mentioned on King 5! I went and found the video link and will make a blog update on that now. Thanks for commenting and letting us know!



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