Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Legacy of Plastic

Over the last few weeks that the Natural History Exhibit has been open, I've heard some visitors say that they miss our temporary plastics exhibit that we had up until last fall. So, for those of you who miss the shocking message, I'm posting this video of a talk given by Captain Charles Moore. Captain Moore is the founder of the Algalita Marine Research Foundation. Some of the images used in our exhibit were from his research team.

Can you think of some ways that you can reduce your use of plastic?


  1. Thanks for posting this interesting Ted commentary. This is a great way to keep PTMSC supporters and volunteers informed on a wide variety of issues. Keep up the good work. Linda Martin, PTMSC volunteer docent

  2. Hi Linda,

    Thanks for leaving us a comment; it's great to hear from our readers! Are there any specific things you'd like to see more of in the blog?

    Take care,


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