Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Volunteer Appreciation Week

When we say the words 'Thank You' to our volunteers what does it specifically mean? To us at the Port Townsend Marine Science Center it means much more than words can really say, but we'll try:

Thank you for partnering with us in helping to conserve our marine environment. Thank you for believing in and support our cause.

Thank you for being someone to learn from and alongside.

Thank you for inspiring us with your dedication to the center.

Thank you for being with us through all the trials and tribulations of daily cleaning tasks.

Thank you for being long-term, steadfast, and dedicated volunteers that allow our organization to function day to day, month to month, and year to year. Without you it would truly be impossible to even begin to accomplish our mission.

Thank you for so frequently saying or doing what exactly we need at the exact right moment (even if you don't realize it at the time). Sometimes it's the unexpected small gestures that really make the difference in our day.

Sometimes we feel like we don't say 'Thank you' enough but this is us trying.


Enjoying food at the 2010 Volunteer Gathering

Volunteer Gathering 2010

Volunteers pulling a seine net

Just some of our volunteer buttons

Volunteers at the New Years low tide walk

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