Saturday, May 8, 2010

May 8-15th is AmeriCorps Week 2010

What a great opportunitiy to share with you-
Why we serve at the Port Townsend Marine Science Center:

Serving and learning go hand in hand: 
Our volunteers, the critters, bones,  
and our surrounding environment are
constantly providing us with new knowledge. 

A voice for the voiceless: 
We serve as the voices for our animals. 
It is our duty to help people understand the importance
of them and their habitats.

The right to get dirty
A good days work can often be measured in rust stains on jeans,
sandy boots, and fish scented clothing. 

Hope for the future: 
Seeing them raise their hands eagerly to answer questions, watching them brainstorm ways to make their watershed cleaner, running up to show you something neat on the beach. We can't help to smile
knowing they are the future.
Working with volunteers:
Who can say no to a friendly hug, advice on life and uplifting words? Our volunteers make it a pleasure to work here, offering support and help at our beckoning call! They are so willing to help in any way they can whether its cleaning tanks, painting fish, looking at plankton or helping us teach!

A place full of unique opportunities:
Our resumes are too good to be real! 
Skills: snorkeling for animals, printing an orca flipper,
learning the plumbing for a marine exhibit.
Everyday is a new experience!

Port Townsend Marine Science Center AmeriCorps
Getting Things Done!

The Ladies,
Jess, Julia, Valerie, Heather

Get Things Done!  Join AmeriCorps.  Go to

1 comment:

  1. This post summarizes all the best things about being AmeriCorps at PTMSC. You guys are doing an awesome job! Keep it up and have a most wonderful summer!


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