Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Marine Biology Day Camp

Marine Biology Day Camp was so wonderful last week that I began feeling nostalgic the moment it ended. Check out the video to see a few of the activities we did. Here is the Top-5 list of things Gina and I loved from camp:

5. The chaos that ensued at the bunkers during the 15 minute exploration time.

4. Sitting on the buoys during lunch time.

3. Using the huge seine net to catch fish in the eel grass beds.

2. Tide pooling.

1. Journal/nap time.

Keep in mind this list may vary from person to person.

Click here to check out more of our camp photos on our new flickr site!

Want to learn about other camps PTMSC is offering this summer?


  1. I love it! Camp was so fun and I miss those kids already! Chrissy

  2. Great video and photos! Can't wait to see the next one.


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