Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sailing on the Adventuress

Last month, Elizabeth Becker of Sound Experience contacted us to see if we would want to sail aboard the schooner Adventuress and talk to folks about marine mammals and the Salish Sea Hydrophone Network. Of course we said yes and, on March 21st, we joined the crew on the first public sail of the season. It was perfect weather and everyone was excited to be on the water. We had such a wonderful time that we decided to make a video, complete with interview by fellow blogger Allison.

Press play button to start.

If you get a chance to go out on the Adventuress this season, go for it. The staff and crew are knowledgeable, friendly, and helpful; I can't imagine a better group of people running this ship!


  1. Ahoy, Liza and Allison! It was great having you both aboard Adventuress to share your passion for Puget Sound. The hydrophone project is really exciting and our participants loved learning about it (maybe some will join in "the network" and help add to the knowledge of what goes on under the surface of the sea). Please come back and sail with us anytime! ...Elizabeth Becker, Sound Experience P.S. We LOVE the PT Marine Science Center!

  2. What a great blog post, Liza and Allie! How could anyone resist being part of the PTMSC after such a fab video!


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